Food for brain

Summary of this video:

Aim is to avoid Alzheimer's disease and dementia. In these diseases you forget your relatives and yourself. You do not want these diseases. Here ways to minimize the risk of these diseases.

  1. Avoid saturated fact.
    Saturated fat is in milk, cheese, butter, meat.
    Also in nariyal, nuts.
    You can get till 7% of daily calories from saturated fat. Roughly 15 gm a day is something you can target.
  2. Avoid trans fat.
    In cakes, doughnuts, pastries, biscuits, popcorns, candies, fried fast food, frozen pizza.
    In french fries, icecream, frozen food, maggi, canned food.
    2g trans fat a days is the limit. That is 1 biscuit, or 2 potato chips. That's all!
  3. Too much iron and copper is getting into our brain. Don't use iron frying pan. And water stays in copper pipes. Too bad.
    Problem is that iron rusts inside the brain. Rusting is another term for oxidizing.
  4. Vitamin E is anti-oxidant. So, that is good for brain.
    Found in spinach, walnuts, almonds, mangoes, seeds, sweet potato, avocado.
    One handful of walnuts/almonds/seeds per day are enough. No need to have it more.
  5. Have anthocyanins, which too are anti-oxidant.
    Found in colored fruits such as grapes, blueberry, musammi, tomato
  6. Exercise: 40 mins a day for 3 days a week.