This post enlists how some of the programs look like in Human.
File a.txt contains three comma separated fields: username, first name and last name. File b.txt also contains three comma seperated fields: email, first name and last name. For each email in b.txt, if corresponding first name and last name are present in a.txt, I want to know its username.
import sys name_2_uids = {} f = open('a.txt') for line in f: uid, first_name, last_name = line.strip().split(',') uid = uid.strip() first_name = first_name.strip() last_name = last_name.strip() name_2_uids.setdefault((first_name, last_name), []).append(uid) f.close() f = open('b.txt') name_2_email = {} for line in f: email, first_name, last_name = line.strip().split(',') email = email.strip() first_name = first_name.strip() last_name = last_name.strip() if (first_name, last_name) in name_2_uids: print first_name.encode('utf-8') + '\t' + last_name.encode('utf-8') + '\t' + ','.join(name_2_uids[(first_name, last_name)]) f.close()
Read an integer from stdin. Output YES if the integer is even but not 2. Output NO otherwise.
import sys line = if int(line) % 2 == 0 and int(line) != 2: print 'YES' else: print 'NO'
Taken from Code Forces 110A
Read an integer from stdin. Count the numbers of digits in the integer which are either 4 or 7. If all the digits of this count are either 4 or 7, output YES, else output NO.
import sys x = count = 0 for c in x: if c in ('4', '7'): count += 1 y = str(count) for c in y: if c not in ('4', '7'): print 'NO' sys.exit() print 'YES'
Taken from Code Forces 110A
Read a sentence from the input. Replce all WUB's by whitespace. Then remove whitespaces from the ends and deduplicate white spaces within the sentence.
import sys sentence = sys.stdin.readline().strip() sentence = sentence.replace('WUB', ' ').strip() sentence = ' '.join(sentence.split()) print sentence
I have a file called user.txt, which contains userId's. From the events table in database 1772e3a9bb92fdc2810a_web of mongodb(hostname:, port 27010), find all the rows such that userId is contained in user.txt, eventName is page_viewed and _id is more than ObjectId("595698a80000000000000000")"
def get_user_ids(filename): f = open(filename) field_ids = [] for line in f: field_ids.append(int(line.strip())) f.close() return field_ids if __name__ == '__main__': client = MongoClient("") db = client['1772e3a9bb92fdc2810a_web'] collection = db['events'] user_ids = get_user_ids(filename) query = {'eventName': 'page_viewed', '_id': {'$gt': ObjectId("595698a80000000000000000")}, 'userId': {'$in': user_ids}} events = collection.find(query) for event in events: print event