Vivek Pandey's Homepage

Hi, my name is Vivek Pandey. I look approximately like this:

I am a Computer Engineer, with amateur interests in Mathematics and Chess.

For past few years I have developed an interest in running and cycling.

I am married with two noisy kids.

I work at Simpl where I am building high calibre engineering and data science teams. Get in touch with me if you are a developer or a data scientist. If you like some of the topics in this blog, you will like working with me at Simpl.


Here are some links.

    Computer Science/Programming

  1. How to be a Good Programmer [Sep 2023]
  2. Quickly Checkable Proofs [May 2022]
  3. Hiding "If" [Aug 2019]
  4. Learnings at Appier [July 2019]
  5. Asserts as Comments
  6. The Undoables of Computer Science
  7. QGProfiler: A Simple Profiler for Python Programs
  8. Study notes: Why deep and cheap learning works
  9. Deep Learning Course Series: Course 3
  10. Deep Learning Course Series: Course 2
  11. The Name Fail
  12. YouTube post on integrating your website with QGraph's web push service
  13. High Velocity Data Ingestion: Lessons We Learnt
  14. Some Samples of Human
  15. A failed attempt to use Logistic Regression to Distinguish Between Cat and Dog Images
  16. The Yin and Yang
  17. Deep Learning Course Series: Course 1
  18. Why Deep Learning is surprising
  19. Programming Language in the New World
  20. A neat trick
  21. Don't burden the main loop
  22. Projections in MongoDB
  23. YouTube Videos

  24. Selection Sort
  25. $O(n\log{}n)$ bound for sorting algos
  26. $O(n\log{}n)$ bound for sorting algos
  27. Maths/Puzzles

  28. Two Puzzles
  29. Arithmetic Mean vs Geometric Mean
  30. The Inverse Pythagoras Theorem
  31. The Prisoners of Prisoner's Dilemma
  32. A probability question
  33. Slow down, Sir, Harmonic Mean is Against You
  34. Some Auction Strategies
  35. Other topics

  36. First principles vs second order thinking
  37. Questions on Krishna
  38. Our relationship with nature
  39. Experiments with Air Purfiers [March 2020]
  40. Portrait of a Customer Success Manager [Nov 2019]
  41. The way of Chinese Language
  42. Food for Brain
  43. Infarct
  44. Loss of Authenticity

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